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Default 09-27-2004, 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by Buckweed
Originally Posted by "[DAS REICH

wow, you ban other people without warning for no good reason (recent example, white rabbit aka black rabbit told us in irc that he is banned again) Black Rabbit broke no rules,but your infinite wisdom decided to ban him,i have a disgusting porn sig and i am given another chance

gg hypocrite, my expierment is over
look douchebag, white rabbit was only banned cuz his brother simo was banned and they share the same IP
Ok, then what the hell was "Black Rabbit" banned for? You fucking moron, same person, came over W/O his brother, and still gets banned. WR and Simo dont even share the same IP anymore with WR away at college. So that also, does not make sense.[/quote:5cc70]

well if black rabbit was banned , BS clued in on who it actualy was and didnt want him back, regarless if he doesnt share the same IP