06-24-2001, 01:23 AM
Hans: The "Panther" on the Offical site is a Modeled Tiger II tank, and the information below it claims it to be a Tiger I..
Hells-Angel: You are lucky to have relatives that served during the Second War War on the Allied Side! Anywho, According to most accounts during the war, Whenever a report of Tiger tanks came through, It was sent to the Army Corps Air Force. And every available Arty piece within range. Often, It can been seen as overacting to a threat, and This is also why you see a few photographs of Panthers and Tigers actaully flipped over by the tremendous blast. The 12th SS Panzer Division's Commander, Fritz Witt, was killed by navel gunfire during the fight for Normandie.
This is another interesting issue I think. Hopefully after you've moved along with the Breakthrough into the hedgrows, you should be able to call in Arty Stikes against attacks and Defensive actions if a radio is available.