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Bürgen is Offline
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Default 07-07-2001, 02:58 AM

OK Here I go...

The one thing that really tars me about there being a Fw. 190D-9 in this game is the fact that the ONLY reason for the 'D' Varients (there were 13 of them not including the R2 and U2 varients of the individual models) was a a HIGH ALTITUDE BOMBER INTERCEPTOR. (This is why shortly after the D variants were introduced they lengthened the fuselage and the wing tips to create the Ta. 152H, the Ta standing for Kurt Tank the designer of the 190 series) Sure, every once in a while an interceptor pilot would take a target of opportunity on the way back to bed, but the most common german fighter bomber on the western front from 1943 till the end was the Fw. 190A-8. the 'Early' model with the BMW 801 'snub nose', and the F-9 "panzerblitz" (the same thing but with racks on the wings for 4 100Kg bombs). Remember this is a combat simulation, not some Flight sim where we are buzzing around at 22000 ft, so we shouldn't be seeing interceptors. They probibly just threw it in because it looks cool...

BTW, Waffenampt will attest to my Luftwaffe knoledge...

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