I Agree, almost if not entirly. Yes, What was that, that got that Russian T-34/85... Or opps, I mean "Tiger Tank." Bombs hit targets soon after the plane flys over them. And I deffinitly think the a 100lb/500lbs Bombs shock and concusion would kill Hanks instantly. Yeah, You shouldve seen my face when I saw him shooting his Pistol at the oncoming Tiger, and imagining it blowing up, and then thinking "No, thats just stupied why would they do that?" and then They do it! Good God. Movies will never be perfect.. But, My favorite movie about WWII or anything has to be "Man Against Tank." A German WWII training film made in 1943. It is on the Ost front, Everything is real in it including the Real Charges they use to blow up Captured T-34/76's! Outstanding!
Oh, and "Kellys Heros" is second place. You cant find a movie more fun then that!