Originally Posted by Noctis
Tell you what, anyone who isn't 18 be quiet, because you can't vote and you don't count. There is a reason you can't vote, and the fact that more than half of all registered users on PunkVoter and MoveOn.org are under the age of SIXTEEN is a perfect example of why. Once you have a diploma and a basic Government/Econ course, then you may speak.
That being said:
If Kerry is President, he's going to first of all completely undermine the morale in the military. I don't care whether you think the President should be involved in the military or not (in reference to the General comment, considering the President is the Commander in Chief, highest rank in the US Military oOo: )
Next, he wants to bring about universal healthcare. Are you kidding me? First of all, I don't want to have to sit on a two week waiting list while my upper respiratory infection turns into a lower respiratory infection and maybe pneumonia. Our healthcare system works great in motivating the best doctors in the world to work in our hospitals and really take care of their patients. If anything needs to be done here, Medicare and Medicaid need some tweaking.
Kerry thinks he is going to get some huge coalition in Iraq to help out just because it's him asking? Yeah right. He needs to get a clue and realize that other countries aren't in Iraq because their citizens don't want to be there. The single fact that it would be him asking and not Bush is not going to change that. And people call Bush arrogant.
So let's talk about education. The NCLBA has levied standard achievement levels for every school in the nation. That's bad? Maybe standardized testing isn't the best method ever, but no method is perfect. And when you've got 8th graders who can't even read, let alone complete basic math functions, someone has to do something. The schools weren't doing anything and the states weren't doing anything, so someone had to do something.
How about jobs? Bush will become the first President since Hoover to lose jobs during his term. Now, put this in perspective. The nearly simultaneous Dot Com Crash and Tech Crash take place before Bush even takes office. Economic growth grinds to a halt and begins a downward trend. During the next three months, beginning before Bush even took office, hundreds of thousands of jobs are lost. Bush inherited a recession and a huge loss in the job sector. The guarantee of Bush's tax cuts helps to float consumer confidence and keep the economy from free-falling into recession. Then, after less than a year in office, President Bush is faced with the worst attack on United States soil since Pearl Harbor. The stock market free-falls. In the next three months, due to an event entirely out of Bush's hands, hundreds of thousands of jobs are lost. Then it comes out that several Fortune 500 companies have been cheating on the books. Already low consumer confidence spirals downward. Fast-forward to 2004. The DNC is leading a spearhead in the media to say that Bush is bad on the economy. So creating 1.7 million jobs in a single year and managing to see growth in the GDP despite inheriting a recession and the worst stock market crash of modern times is bad on the economy? Give me a break. Take an economics course.
How about the U.N.? I don't even need to go into detail here. The UN is a joke. Show me one nation on the Security Council that is a "team player" and not looking out for Number One first? Yeah right. It's an international pissing contest and we drank the most beer last night. The UN won't/can't enforce its own decades-old sanctions on a dozen countries around the world. Let's not even mention that most UN peace-keeping forces are composed of OVER 60% American forces. We have every right to have some sway. The majority of its security forces are comprised of OUR military. Their pretty building is on OUR soil. The largest contribution to the UN comes from OUR country. I think we'd be better off to bail out and let them piddle in irrelevancy. Nothing makes me laugh more than watching representatives from countries where huge numbers of their populations are starving roll up in their bullet-proof, stretch Navigator limos.
Who's next?
you remind me of Rummy. rolleyes: