Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Apr 2002
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10-01-2004, 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by wintersforge
Kerry: So and so is buying equipment off the internet to send to their son in Iraq
Bush: Then why did you vote against 87 billion for what the troops need.
-that right there says alot to this undecided voter. Kerry was much more aggressive and had more material than Bush did so on that level Kerry wins that aspect of the debate. But i think Bush won on points and retorts made to whatever Kerry was saying. Score 1 point for Kerry with the armed N. Korea and Iran comment though....Bush admin screwed the pooch on that whole "Axis of Evil" shit...and was it me or is Bush a mind reader? "I know how these leaders think. I know how so an so acts." Comes of a bit arrogant IMHO. IN the end id say Bush won but Kerry held steady and wont be swept away...most of you little shits havent even voted before so if you are eligible...dont believe the hype and make your own INFORMED decision. eek: