10-01-2004, 10:51 PM
Bush kept on the topic of Iraq most of the time because that is what most of the questions were about! Shit. Also, Bush showing a little anger is not a bad thing. He also showed humor. He also didn't always speak so well. He may not have thought of the exact thing to say at the perfect time. IN SHORT: Bush acted human. He acted like a down to earth, genuine human being. He showed that he does not change his beliefs just to get elected, he stands his ground about everything he says. He does not shift.
And another thing, Bush was completely right about Bi-Lateral talks with North Korea. Kerry mentioned that we need to cover all the issues with them, he even mentioned talks about the DMZ. WTF? The DMZ? when was the last time North Korea violated the DMZ? And they have never majorily violated it. Why bring that up.
The fact is that most of the people on this forum that can vote (here, not Canada, btw) have already made up their minds. The 17% or so of the population that are waiting on the debates to decide are not waiting to here how the canidates stand on certain issues. They already know that. They are waiting to see how the Canidates act. Kerry showed himself as a arrogant dick just by the way that he was standing and adressing the audience. He had his back straight and his head cocked to one side. He "over" talked. He directly avoided several questions. Bush, on the other hand, looked directly into the camera. He leaned forward, intently directing his message at the peoply watching on TV. Yes, He showed some anger, but that just proved how stongly his convictions are. You have to feel very stongly about something to allow yourself to show anger in something as important as this debate. Bush showed us that he knows where he stands.