Originally Posted by Noctis
"Politically-charged music," aka anything that bashes George Bush, has become the "cool" new thing to do. What I guess irritates me is that this music tends to get a HUGE amount of play time because all the 13-15 year olds call the radio station ten times an hour requesting the songs. These kids have NO clue what they are talking about, and just think it sounds cool. The next thing you know, you are listening to the radio or watching TV and this kind of thing is everywhere and you'd think that it's because it reflects the majority of the population. But in fact, it's being driven by an extremely narrow demographic that can't even vote.
besides green days american idiot. I hardly see that much politically charged pro kerry music. FOX news is a much bigger problem then this. Any network that gives a guy like O Reilly air time si out of touch.