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Default 10-01-2004, 11:06 PM

Yes that’s pretty much the gist of what I'm talking about. Even more so, the "elitism" stems from our nations youth focusing their energy not on being pro-Kerry, but on being anti-Bush.

You aren't hip unless you like Michael Moore and hate GW Bush. Do we see this with young conservatives? I have yet to see an "anti-Kerry" rally or march or walk organized in Detroit. We started talking about this the other night because in one of the parks downtown there is a "Walk Against Bush."

Maybe it’s because liberals are typically younger and more mobile than conservatives. But honestly, I'm sick of all the negativity. Isn't that just slightly hypocritical? Traditionally, we think of liberals being the caring, concerned, compassionate people who strive for social equality and fairness. So how do the anti-government/bush protests fit into that mold?

I could keep going, but I'm too tired to write much more. The point is this; being supportive of your parties platform and candidate seems to be the logical step towards change. Why waste time bashing? In that same vein, why use the bashing as propaganda to form elitist and superior factions? It doesn’t seem to follow what would be considered traditional liberal values.
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