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Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 10-02-2004, 08:47 AM

He's trying to use a straw man argument to bolster his claims. Lemme bring up Iraq, then tear it down, and indirectly tear down your other claims - lame.

Fact of the matter is SH is a google-expert. Nothing more. Foxnews is by no means afraid of hiding the partiality of its pundits - but that doesnt mean they dont lay into who they feel the need to. However for anyone to even think the media doesnt have a left bias is a fucking moron. I will have to grab what newspaper ran the story but the media swings DECIDEDLY to the left.

As for the debates - Bush and his handlers set this up first. Why? So they can get the touchy issue of Iraq out of the way FIRST and not have the debates END on this sour note. For all you dancing that Bush got "owned" realize this is part of Bush Cos strategy and reflects an understanding of the American publics viewing mentality. Senator Kerry used ALL his ammo on this debate. Theres not much the President can fire back thats not a soundbite. But when it comes to DOMESTIC policy - well theres where the Senator has a few holes in his story, whether its accussing the President of supporting out-sourcing (which has helped the US), whether its claiming wages are down, whether its claiming that his health care plan its the best - these are things Kerry is going to be jumped on.

In any case, Kerry may have come out looking strong but the MAJORITY - yes thats right block head - the MAJORITY of Americans support the war on terror, and damn near 70% of Americans believe they are safer BECAUSE of the actions of the admin.

Oh and that once safe spot of the economy - whod handle it better - the candidates are virtually tied. That is NOT a good sign for the Senator. Not at all.
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