10-02-2004, 03:58 PM
from experience:
-when i entered the work force after college i was over 21 and off my parents insurance (most US insures will cover kids till either 18 or they leave school...depends). during the next few years i had no insurance. i had to go to hospital emergency room one night. now the law states that hospitals cannot turn away anyone form the emergency room. so alot of people who need help go to emergency room cause they cant be turned away (might be a state by state law...idk). when i was released i was sent a bill for 500 bucks or so. i went to doctor for follow up and he asked me if i was covered. i said no and he cut my bill in half right on the spot..and waived doctors visit fee...it reallys matters if you go to a hospital sponsored or overseen by a church...ie catholic because they seem to work with people in unique situations.
most good insurance programs are 90/10...meaning you pay 10 % of bill. then they go downa list of services they cover and wont etc. the shitty thing is people who have families and no insurance...but i often wonder why they arent motivated to provide a better life for there family...and i guess thats waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic eek: