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Design Olympics - 3D / Trendy Event
Zen is Offline
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Default Design Olympics - 3D / Trendy Event - 10-05-2004, 02:25 AM

sorry for the shitty banner, just not gonna make a render tonight... must sleep...

Welcome to the 3D / Trendy Event!

Please familliarise yourself with the [url=]rules[/url:c2cbb] and standards before submitting an entry.

This event was included because I know many of us are capible of creating very awsome 3D work, and some of us 3D abstract sigs. But we do not use them here because it is not well accepted.

[rant]There were some objections to this event being included, and I want to add that just because the "cool" kids don't like it does not mean it is not difficult to produce or use well. Dispite the huge amount of this kind of work on the web, I still believe that eye candy can be used in unique and different ways. [/end rant]

This event will require the creation of a sig that has 3D effects (C4D,3DMax,Bryce,Poser,ect) as it center or background. Photoshop editing is allowed.
Sig must not be larger than 450 x 150. No animation will be allowed.

*Trendy explination* I included the word trendy because those who do not have 3D programs may enter sigs that use the common PS renders, gel button effects, or wire/dial/object styles.


Best of luck Athletes!
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