Thread: drugs
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Default 10-06-2004, 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
have long breaks, and if you're going to smoke it heaps - Make sure that you don't smoke to the point that you're high more often than you are sober.

I've also always made sure that I won't smoke it at dumb times, i.e (Before work, before family gatherings, job interviews etc).....That shit can fuck up your life too. Don't ever make important, possible life-changing decisions when high.
Ya I usually smoke daily but like you pointed out, it is very good to take long breaks otherwise you might become to dependent on it, where you cant use good judgement, like before I took this break im currently on lol I'd smoke a j in my car on my way to school, and before or during work, not a good idea, follows Trippars advice if your going to meddle with marijuana, he knows what hes talking about rock:

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