Originally Posted by Tripper
I've been smoking weed since I was about 13 - But up until I was about 16, I was only smoking once every couple of weeks max...I've picked up the pace since then, and gradually started smoking it to the point that I have it almost daily.
I feel psychologically addicted to it - In that I don't want to give up because I have so much fun when I'm on it, and I don't see any reason to quit.
I think the reasons I do it so often is because I have the money, it's so easy to get (You build up connections after 6 years of smoking it), and pretty much EVERYONE I socialise with does it. I find that I've built close friendships with alot of people based on shared experiences while stoned, and I think that it is a very social drug if you have it with the right people.
I believe there is no problem with the drug at all, so long as you are smart and careful with it - I.e, don't take any other drugs, no matter what anyone tells you, or how subtle the jump up is - Don't socialise with those who do harder drugs, or at least try not to, have long breaks, and if you're going to smoke it heaps - Make sure that you don't smoke to the point that you're high more often than you are sober.
That is a line I haven't crossed yet. Even if I have a binge during summer holidays or something, I'll make sure I have a while off it afterwards...Haven't done that in a while though.
I've also always made sure that I won't smoke it at dumb times, i.e (Before work, before family gatherings, job interviews etc).....That shit can fuck up your life too. Don't ever make important, possible life-changing decisions when high.
Other than that - I've never had any other drug except for Liquor, and a few cigarettes here and there.
I agree with the tripper.I dont have the same smoking habits as him but i agree on the basics and ideas.
post those pics of you getting high with your mates again happy: