Thread: New Sig
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Crazy Canadian is Offline
Posts: 909
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Default 10-09-2004, 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by geRV

LOLZ, your right geRZ because of your opinion i think i'm gonna throw away my 2000 computer so i can buy a POS

i have a PC set up right behind me and i go on it daily, so shut the fuck up you dolt

Oooh i got told, seing as you paid $2000 for a worthless piece of shit like a mac id say you should get your name changed from crazy canadian to utter retard, brainless fuckstick. stupid cunt, or something along those lines, just seems more fitting. Id say on the "buying a pos" front you've alredy done quite well buying a mac to fill the "pos" quota, fuck you could buy a packard bell for christ sake and it would be a better machine out of the box, support more software and more hardware than an apple machine will ever have in its existence.

Oh and heres a video for you to watch, that is assuming that worthless sack of shit mac of yours can actually let you view it. ... /apple.wmv

"macs own because crazy canadian said so"


*wipes cum off screen* your right those things are good to jack off to rolleyes:

you sure know how to throw out the insults you "cunt" real mature

you probaly have 10 spybots on your computer....because its a PC!