Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
I do that cunt thinks shes a senator for our state. I didnt vote her in and I dont want her there.
Maybe you should know what youre talking about before you open your mouth you nosey fucking canuck bastard? Thats not the pyro way, its talk shit about conservative thinking and ask questions later
Death to your fucking mother, father, brothers and sisters.
Hell death to your entire family. I hope they all die in the worst possible fucking fashion.
Hell im sure Clintons family has done alot more for your fucking country than your family ever has. So fuck them, and fuck you.
Hahah what a pethetic peice of shit you are. If you guys were a major player in the world which btw youre fucking not wed know about Canadian politics. And we could all sit around and trash them. You guys are the most worthless country there is, so cry about it. Canada will never be as powder or as influential in the world.
And pyro Id fuck your sister, right in her 8 year old ass.