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Default 10-11-2004, 09:53 PM

It amazes me that people are so ignorant when it comes to the economy. Go ask your economics professor about the short-term and long-term economic policies and how long it takes each of them to reflect on the economy. Then ask your professor about the fallout from Clinton's short-term policies that began before Bush even took office officially.

Tech Crash.
Dot Com Crash.
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Still funding all of Clinton's peacekeeping missions
Etc Etc

Of course we have a defecit. We wouldn't be NEARLY as bad off if Clinton wouldn't stopped banging interns long enough to realize that he was practically disarming the country. He tried to cut intel spending along with Democrats by $7.5 billion. He practically halved the military and closed bases down all over the country. So yeah, he had a surplus. At the cost of two significant raises in taxes in two terms and the utter destruction of our military. Good fucking game.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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