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Default 10-13-2004, 07:24 PM

6800s are actually ahead of the X800 series in the majority of tests with the current driver release. Next driver release, ATI will have a 1 FPS lead, then Nvidia and back and forth until the next generation.

The thing I find most amuzing about this current generation is that HL2 was supposedly built for the X800 series, yet the 6800s beat it in almost every HL2/CSS test.

But going with either company at almost any price range is a win. Although ATI's low end sucks really bad so far.

This is how I feel the current gen is broken down.

>$500 : X800XT-PE is ahead of 6800U is the majority of tests but they are both too close to call one a winner over the other.
$400 : 6800GT thoroughly beats X800 Pro in every test. No contest here.
$300 : 6800 is the only card here other than the 9800XT. Pretty obvious which to go with.
$200-250 : 6600GT or X700. Both are neck and neck with 6600GT pulling ahead slightly. 9800 Pro is also a viable option.
>$100 : 6200 is the only option here. X600/300 performs worse and costs more...
<$100 : You gotta be fucking kidding me.

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