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Default 10-13-2004, 07:54 PM

It actually makes sense that ATI's old core would perform better than a new one. The reason being is it has very mature drivers. ATI knows how to get the best performance out of it. That's why there haven't been many monumental increases in performance from driver updates on ATI's side. The 6800 core is very young and the true potenual is still be squeezed out of it. Look at preliminary benchmarks of the 6800U with it's original drivers. It sucked, sometimes performing worse than a X800 Pro. Now it's neck and neck with the X800XT-PE.

I didn't mean that HL2 was built for ATI. I meant that ATI spent so much money hyping HL2 saying it would only perform good on their hardware. Remember 'Shader Day'? I think CSS gives you a pretty good idea of HL2's performance. I'm sure the ratios will be similar just at much lower FPS. Chateau is the most shader intensive map in CSS and it performs better on the 6800s.

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