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Default 10-15-2004, 12:16 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Proteus
Originally Posted by Pyro
It's funny when red sox fans talk about buying a championship...

At least the Yankees spend their money wisely and actually WIN them. It takes talent to make a team. Look at the Rangers in hockey, they've spent so much and can't even have more wins than losses.

Money doens't make the team.
Are you on fucking crack? If you have enough money, as the yanks do, you can buy whoever the fuck you want. That's how the Yankees have won so many championships. It doesn't take talent to build a team without a salary cap and a shitload of money.
These are not individual sports. The team wins the game, and the Yankees are a much more confident team together than the Red Sox have ever shown. If this was the opposite you wouldn't be saying what you just said.
are you shitting me? The yankees are all people from different countries, some of them probably dont speak english. They have a new team praticly every fuckign year. Look at the sox, what major chances have there been? nomar left. Id say the sox are more of a family than te yankees could ever pay to be.
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