10-15-2004, 12:21 AM
I loved it.
Kerry came right out. "we need to find the terrorists and kill them...or capture them"
I hated how he kept refering ot god though. In a country where there is supposed ot be seperation from church and state they refer to god a hell of a lot.
and I loved it when they were talkign about the minimum wage bush said something in rebuttal to kerry along the lines of
"Let me tell you about minimum wage. Eveyone knows the real problem is education. If we fix education like my office has tried... So that is why my retarded idea of no child let behind sucks ass and im stupid." - G. W. Bush
If you cant tell I didnt like bush in this debate.
oh ya as to what pyro said about appearance, my girlfriend pointed out how the cameras would zoom in on bush when the sreens split, to make him look the same size as kerry.