Hello Developers, (Pro´s)
I´ve posted a few days ago the question, where i can get a RADIANT Manuell. All I´ve learned out of this post is, that Radiant gave a lot of people a hart time. I´ve found a private made manuel for download, which is perfect for beginners like i am.
http://www.uberclan.com/modules.php?nam ... oad&cid=29
You have to scroll down to the 5th download-button, and will get it!!
But now it seems, that my RADIANT and it´s settings are not correct. It is very confusing for me, to find the correct settings. Here are my questions:
1.) What are the correct PROJECT SETTINGS?
basepath: is my Mohaapath, ok!
mapspath: is this the "main" path of mohaa where the other pk3´s are, or the "main\maps" path?
autosave: which path is to use here? free choice?
rshcmd: What the f... is this, and which path?
entitydir: "code/" No clue what to type in here!
modelmask: sounds important, but ????
Moddir: Yes, i dont know, and the manuell mist that spot!
My problem is, that i try to built my first room step by step according to the downloaded manuell. But I can not klick the requested TEXTURE -> COMMON -> CAULK. I think, that Radiant needs to work on MOHAA pathes which are not setted correct.
Thanks for the help!!!!
Joey McFummel