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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003
Default HAVE YOU EVER. . . - 10-19-2004, 10:55 PM

Rules are simple - post something you think someone has never done or wanna know whos done it. . .if you havent done it a simple NO will do. If you have a YES will do. If you HAVE done something then you get to posit the next "HAVE YOU EVER. . ." If there are 5 NO's to a single H.Y.E then the 5th NO gets to ask their own.

Any and all bullshit gets deleted by my unfair hand.

No bullshit ones either, truth. Which means 99.999999% of you are out of luck in a sexual H.Y.E. - unless homosexuality is involved. Obviously.

So. . .have you ever gone to take a shit/piss in the same stall as someone and tried to shit/piss before their flush went all the way down?

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