10-20-2004, 07:28 PM
[quote:e5ec2]I am Pro Life. I think that abortion is murder. If you have seen pictures of what it looks like afterwards, its disguesting. I support the fact women have choices but once they start messin around, the baby shouldn't be penalized. And yes, some will say "What about rape?".[/quote:e5ec2]
So you find abortion disgusting, what did you expect? Its abortion man, kitties and flowers aint gonna come out of there. Besides, do you have to stand there while they abort, do the doctors shove the fetus into your face afterwards?
[quote:e5ec2]You can always put the child up for adoption.[/quote:e5ec2]
Yes, but that dosent change the fact that a 12 year old girl got pulled into a dark alley by a 45 year old, then had to go through the agonizing pain/trauma of child birth.
[quote:e5ec2]Did you know that within 12 weeks that a unborn child has all the body parts and organs that you have right now? They're just not as advanced.[/quote:e5ec2]
Did you also know that fetus' within the first 3 months (legal limit) have the brain matter of a stick of celery?
[quote:e5ec2]Did you know all but 1 or 2 abortion methods dismember the baby? One of them burns the skin off of it and one starves it to death.[/quote:e5ec2]
Did you also know that babies that young have not developed central nervousness? So doing that is about the equivelant of throwing a live lobster into a boiling pot.
And these fucking protesters, who do they think they are, would they rather these girls go around back with a coathanger and do it themselves?
Pro-choice, obviously.