10-24-2004, 03:33 PM
I'm not gonna post any scores for the video event simply because I would be the only one voting...
I would like to say that they are all awsome, I truely enjoyed them all and have made a special folder for them in my collection.
A HUGE Thanks to everyone that entered, I saw... for the first time a dramatic effort and show of skill from everyone, spectacular job on the entries fellas. You should all be proud.
the Experiment
Now when I began this, I figured it for a good idea and judging by the participation of all I was not alone. I had two main purposes to begin with:
. A solid, serious community event that would provide a more open view of tallent here.
. A unification in the basic standards that AA DW's were run by.
You see, each aspect of the events were geared towards making everyone understand it was not a joke and testing the standard that should accompany them. The rules, the event topics, even the judging system played into experiment.
The only problem that I did not expect was from myself... I simply ran out of time to put into it, but in all the outcome and flow worked better than I had expected due to everyones effort.
So, here is what happened and why:
1st. The events were choosen to fight the "anti-cool" atmosphere. That is why there was no "WWII" event. I wanted to put your tallents to work doing things did not fit into the "cool" atmosphere here.
Why? Because what better show of skill than to make something that you personally did not find appealing. This also helped to involve those who may not have entered because of style... good example: Flagg
2nd. The rules were created based on what has failed DW's in the past. Far too often good DW's fail because of broad rules, and everyone gets pissed because the win goes to someone that did not display the tallent that others had.
This also helped to strenthen the "seriousness" of the events... more professional if you will.
3rd. The judging system was initially to be a poll system, but Fireal talked me out of it... and I'm glad he did. By using an isolated judging system we were able to avoid fraudulant votes and were more able to determine a winner based on tallent.
Unfortunatly, one cannot avoid the biases of judges... simply unavoidable, so we did get a few akward scores. A solution to this could have been more judges to even it out.
This is why I did things the way I did them. I would love to run another olympics in a few months with different rules and standards, there were several great ideas that came out during the events that would certainly improve the games...
SC mentioned teams, which I think would be a very cool idea
Gerv's video and audio event was awsome and I would love to see other non-PS events in the games
And many more, that I cannot recall at the moment...
I think that a shared posting and judging responsibillity would help to ensure timly postings and help the flow better
Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appriciated. I have no intention of sparking another up before the new year so time we have.
Once again, thank you all for taking the time to make this work.