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Re: NEW help on my moms new boyfriend!!! PLEASE
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Default Re: NEW help on my moms new boyfriend!!! PLEASE - 10-25-2004, 12:51 PM

Originally Posted by Swill1496
ok i get home today and he takes me back to my place"My moms boyfriend"So the day went great, i went to play basketball and wrestled with my friends and shit right? Well, my mom is out tonight for atleast till 12 at night... and well right now its a quarter to 9 pm, and i`m on the computer and someone in my family calls...i dont know who it is...a great aunt or some shit....and hes in the kitchen eating, all of a sudden he fucking comes up to my sister and fucking screams at her and my great aunt"I guess thats her" says is something wrong there? I tell her that my moms boyfriend is telling my sister something, and shes like well he is quite loud...and i`m like yeah he she is like how long have your mom been dating this guy, i tell her a couple weeks which is actually true, and the basterd still screams even though he knows i`m on the phone.....WTF?
plus he shouldnt be screaming at all, the little fucker goes up to my sister and just starts screaming because shes watching TV....and she just fucking made us a great dinner and shit, but i want to add that he is doing dishes....and so he goes over there and screams saying that she should get off her ass, and that she does nothing around here which he is wrong....
So i didnt want to say anything but i dont know what to friend online told me to either threaten him or talk to my mom...well he wont be like this in front of my mom , i know for a fact cause hes been here like 24/7 and thats the truth, and i`ve never seen him yell yet....and my mom divorced my dad for the same shit...telling us were no good and all that fucking btw my dad also hit my mom...little fucker...
anyways,i just wanted to ask what should i do? in this situation, and be honest please......

Talk to your Mum, get you sister to back you up. (he's probably a rapist, a child abuser, or a Republican)
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