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Default 10-30-2004, 12:25 AM

[quote="Low spark":ab7ab]
Originally Posted by Proteus
Yeah, put Kerry in office, I'm sure he wont piss his pants if they attack again. Kerry would waste years debating if we should go to war, and then decide not to because he'll upset some people.
Good point, because we already know what Bush would do, attack the enemy where he is, and then divert troop away before the job is done to attack a country that had nothing to do with the attack on us. Yeah, I feel so much safer.... What the hell is Osama doing alive... 1000+ Americans dead. 100,000 innocent Iraqs dead,,, oh boy but Saddam is caught,,, to bad we did think about planning to gaurd the weapon dump all of Iraq..,,
. I am sorry but I do think Kerry will do a better job, instead of creating more terrorist, I believe he will work to defeat them. And work to make a difference in the world so people can change, with out having the country destroyed by some child playing cowboy..... Kerry will at least listen to those who disagree with him, he know's that if you don't have the facts right you can cause alot more damage then good.

Thanks and have a Good Day[/quote:ab7ab]

I'm not saying Bush isn't half retarded. Did you see the new south park? It's trying to choose between a Giant Douche, and a Shit sammich.
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