Originally Posted by Arkan
You know whats really humorous about the whole thing? Since 9/11, we're in the terror war and it'll never stop. If people actually believe someone won't blow themselves up in a crowded area in the States are seriously mistaken. Just like Israel, we'll just have to get used to it.
So i say: Bring it on you camel riding bitches and hope my ass don't see you before you pull the chord. Fuck them, i hope they choke on a chicken bone !!
If you have the time I highly recommend reading Tom Clancy's
Teeth of the Tiger. The book talke about how easy it would be for terrorists to cooperate with drug runners to cross the border, obtain automatic weapons, and go jihad in a crowded shopping mall. He also talks about how the US should handle terrorism. In the book their is an off the books agency that basically targets and hits the people financing the terrorists. They are much easier to find and quite frankly more important to these networks. There are probably a 100K donkeys willing to fly into a building under the guise of going to heaven and receiving twenty virgins. But I have to agree this stuff has been going on since the beginning of time and will not end in our lifetimes. I just hope that however get elected keeps the heat on these morons.