Originally Posted by "daffy.":331b8
What the hell is Osama doing alive...
Good question. Maybe we should ask the guys in the last administration. They supposedly had OBL handed to the them on a platter several times and did nothing...and this after he had already tried to bomb the WTC once.
There is enough blame to go around on this guy. We should not be looking back worrying about who could have done what, IMO, we should be lloking ahead to what we need to do to get these guys. I like the "cut off the money" idea.[/quote:331b8]
Ok, but we should also be looking at our current president who either has no clue wtf hes doing, or hes lying to us. How could you send troops to afghanistan to fight the people who actually attacked us, then divert them to invade Iraq who had nothing to do with the attacks? Its so obvious that there is something going on here that their not telling us. There are at least 60 other nations with nuclear weapons yet we choose to attack Iraq? That makes sense(sarcasm). Obviously we cant say Kerry will fix all our problems, but he certainly can do a better job then the retard thats in office now.