Thread: future?
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Zen is Offline
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Default 11-01-2004, 09:09 AM


Most of you guys are in High School, and I personally had a very difficult time after high school, trying to figure out which direction to go, what I wanted to do, ect.

. If you have never served in the armed forces... consider it. It is one of the most memorable and self-empowering experiances a free man can have. It will change your life, your outlook on the world, and give you an excellent jump-off point to any career you persue afterwards.

. College, do it. I am not from a wealthy familly, I have paid my own way. If you are also not sure how you will be able to pay for school, trust me it can be done with a bit of determination and some clever financing. Vertran status helps big too!

. Distance learning owns. I have two kids, a job, and a great many other responsibillities. I don't have time to go down and listen to a professor preach, so I utilize a distance learning program. This means that I turn on my computer, sign in and do assignments, discussion boards, and watch interactive learning videos from my office. No mid-terms, No huge classes, No driving to class.
The best part of this is I do 2 classes every 5 weeks. That means I earn a 2 year degree in 12 months! Most of the best colleges in the country now offer some kind of distance learning, it is fully accredited and respected.
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