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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 11-01-2004, 09:47 PM

Oy - forgot one more thing we have that China doesnt:

Political leaders who can actually be voted OUT of office.

Please though dont confuse this with an anti China attack. I love Chinese bitches. But getting lectured first by Osama and now the Chinese. As Ol' Dirty would say "Nigga please" -

You fuckwits who think a SINGLE thing is going to change need to check yourselves - you think some pussy ass Massachucets purebred Horse Faced motha fuckah is going to correct the system? This is a machine that even Richard Nixon could stop, hows this punk gonna change things? He aint. His ass has more promises than we have dollars and somehow hes going to make it work by taxing the rich.

Guess what the rich are gonna not do - invest in this fucking economy. Guess whos gonna get hurt - the middle class worker who loses his job cause some Rich piece of shit wants to be the good guy for the negros and mejicans and the orientals and all the other "poor disenfranchised minorities" who are being held down - please. THEY are the ones who are gonna get it good and hard in the ass my friends. Not that any of you knee-jerk anti-Bush wanks give a shit. Just watch you some "Farenheit 9/11" and considered yourselves more "informed" than the Average American.

Bitch please.
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