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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 11-01-2004, 10:03 PM

[quote="Short Hand":b671a]Why should I bother to argue you ? It will only turn up in you taking pot shots at my grammer as always, then followed by one of your fanboi's jumping in. rolleyes:

You can take your arrogant and ignorant atitude and shove it up your ass. Thats where it fucking belongs buddy.[/quote:b671a]

You cant argue SH because you have NOTHING. Refute what I have said. You know the best way to shut loud mouths up - by hitting them upside the head with facts. Well SOMETIMES that works. . .but if the head is thick as Canadian Maple sometimes you gotta hit it a couple times.

Stop acting like a bitch and actually offer something more than "whaaaa you say bad things about my spellins" -

Newsflash - if you dont want people making fun of your spelling - spell better.
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