11-02-2004, 07:51 AM
I was wondering when something like this would surface. I can certainly understand thier cause for alarm.
I typically don't bother with most of the crap in OT because of the often ridiculous replies and poor attitudes, but today...the day before the re-count, I suppose I'll take the time to type.
I have failed faith in Bush, I just don't like the discissions he has made. I think he is a man of good charicter, and I even voted for the guy last time around. But his actions and choices cause me to question his goals, plans, and purpose.
In my opinion, this country needs a total self-reexamination. We need to address countless issues with-in ourselves before we focus on the problems of the world outside our own borders.
From our outdated affirmative action policies to the core of our democratic structure, America is a corrupt, under-edjucated, bitter shell of what it once was. I don't blame Bush for that, but I do expect him or the next guy to do something about it.
A few things I don't understand:
Why is it ok to invade a country or enforce international law when countries develope WMD, when America has a massive arsinal of them now? Are we a "special case" in the world?
Why are we able to violate international law and invade and occupy a country without UN consent? We would never allow another country to do this!
As the "World Police", why are we more focused on N. Korea and Iran than countries like Sudan, where 30K people have been killed and over 1 Million forced from thier homes? The UN is acting...but we are not.
After 9/11 imagration and border control managed to get off the back burner, but more has been done to ensure Americans don't bring box cutters on planes than actual "border" control... wtf?
Hybrid & Alternative fuel vehicles could virtually eliminate the US, and the worlds need and depedancy on fossil fuels, yet very little, or no insentive has been given to manufacturers to advance this technology. (A relection of world economics, but also a reflection of America's corrupt bottom line.)
Affirmative action laws, while important a decade ago, force companies to have a certain number of "minorities" within thier employees...by law. This means that should a company need to close a factory, or branch they would be required to maintain thier "minority" employees numbers regardless of skill or job qualifications. This is discriminatory because it means that a person who is labeled as a "minority" is prefered over a non-minority regardless of actual abillity to do a job!
I could go on, but I'm certain you guys see where I'm going with this. We must start to adapt to the new face of the world, or face dire consiquenses in the near future.