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tomxtr is Offline
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Default 11-02-2004, 08:43 AM

I don't disagree with your take on the good 'ole US of A and I understand why the younger folks feel like the US is playing world police. I think this is happening because the UN has become increasingly less relevant in policing rogue governments. They seem unwilling to commit forces anywhere under any circumstances.

Take the Sudan for example, just today Sudanese troops have surrounded refugee camps and refused access to the UN aid workers. This is the same country where it was reported that 40,000+ women and children were reported raped by government backed militia men. What is the UN immediate response to this crisis? They plan to evacuate aid workers. It is estimated that by the end of the year the Sudanese governments self-described "reign of terror" will have claimed 500,000 lives. This complacency by the UN smell of Rwanda where the UN failed to act and the ethnic cleansing of the Tutsi people claimed over 800,000 lives.

Iraq is another example of where the UN failed. Everyone knows that the UN condemned the invasion of Kuwait by the Iraqis and imposed sanctions and restrictions. These, however, were routinely ignored by the previous regime. They consistently shot at aircraft patrolling the no fly zones, prohibited weapons inspectors from doing there jobs, continued to suppress the kurds in the north and the shiites in the south. The UN again did nothing.

That being said, I would prefer that the UN step up and take more of a leadership role instead of imposing meaningless sanctions. If they are not willing to do so, I don't see a problem with the US stepping in and helping people who are being systematically killed or raped as they are in rogue nations like Sudan.
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