Originally Posted by tomxtr
With all due respect, how can you say
Originally Posted by bukdez
we're humans, and we're in this together, whats wrong with paying a little extra to help those who are less priviliged, not everyone can be as smart and successful as people like us...
Originally Posted by bukdez
how can you support a government that 'cares' more for the well-being of Iraqis than it's own people?...
in the same thread. Am I to conclude that you meant to qualify your first statement by only including Americans. Is it also safe to conclude that your heart bleeds for the people who are not as "smart and successful" in the US, but does not extend to the poor souls unfortunate enough to be born in that shithole in the desert. I just want to understand where the liberals draw the line.
i fully get what you are saying... the first qoute was meant as a specific reply to the situation in America/North America, the second reply is meant to indicate that if the situation at home is bad enough to warrent such debate, than why should time and resources be spent to fix problems in other countries?... I think it is good that a country as powerful as the US would aim to help the less fortunate, I just question the motive behind it... In essence my posts were both a little tongue-in-cheeck in style, specifically the reference to 'smart and successful' people and to the situation in Iraq...