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Default 11-03-2004, 02:27 AM

<expert on UN

here's to clarify reasons for UN non-intervention. the USA created the UN. the UN depends on USA funding. headquarters for UN are in new york. how can you sanction the usa when it is on the security council with uk as an ally? currently there is speculation on adding possibly brasil, japan and or germany to the security council permeanent members. as for this having an impact on un intervention (stated in chapter 7 of UN charter) there isnt much taht can be done. however within the charter is a description of regional organizations allowed to take action (nato, cis) in regional affairs before the UN can send in peace keepers. the major lacking in UN muscle is its engagement rules (very weak).

so when you see a smurf you're not supposed to fire, because their engagement is limited, however a lot of smurfs die while in peacekeeping missions. take UNPROFOR's problem in serbia years ago. the conflict was not stable enough for UN troops, but they were sent in anyways. as a result, the peacekeeping force had to be removed. thankfully there are a number of states who still have faith in the UN, which prevents it from having the same demise as the league following invasion of ethopia and manchuria in early 1930s.

we can only hope that the usa has learned its lesson in disrupting ALL UN principles (they must be followed by all members). eventually the usa will call for UN assistance, only because the UN's influence is so vast, it is difficult to avoid. im not an expert on taiwan at all. (btw its not a member, due to 1 china policy) but i cannot see the UN involving itself with a chinese conflict....
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