Thread: Pro-Bush thread
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TGB! is Offline
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Default 11-03-2004, 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
The american people are such a disappointment. I can't believe we'll have
four more fucking years of Bush. annoy:
W/O googling Sloi - give me 5 things John Kerry has done to prove he deserves the American peoples vote. . .

JFK v-2.0 failed for one reason - he banked on anti-Bush sentiment. The man is a bore and is on the same level as Dole and Gore. Somewhere in between. He failed to galvanize his base, and he counted on the youth vote that - suprisingly - didnt show up. Its the "most important election of our lifetime" (according to MTV) and 18-24 yr olds failed. Miserably. Bush will win with a 4 million point cushion Sloi. 100million people came out to vote, more than in 2000 - something happened and it didnt happen with the Dem base. Kerry ran a bad campaign - why can no anti-Bushite admit this?
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