07-25-2001, 07:44 AM
Ya know, all this shit about all Americans care about is taking all the credit is beggining to piss me off. America does exactly what all you fuckers are doing. Caring about their contribution is just fine, and you keep bitching that we don't know our history, FUCK THAT! To support the facts you use information derived from what your god damn countries did. Well, Britain did this, what about the Australians, the Germans only fought these guys, the Russians did this, it's not only Americans wanting to take credit, every one wants to know about their country's contribution, and in order to do that they try to negate what another country did, usually America. I find this perhaps more insulting than you whiny mother fuckers, because I never try to discredit you which all of you seem to fucking do to each other. All countries made their contributions, and you fuckers sit and bicker over whose country is better than America. British movies glorify what the British did, Russian movies for the Russians, etc. America isn't the worldly evil that only teaches about its own wheelings and dealings, no country gives a rat's ass about any other fucking country but the only one that gets the finger pointed at it is America. Of course Americans are going to want to learn about America, who doesn't want to learn about their own heritage, and why should we be held at a higher standard than any other country?