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11-07-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Jotun
Originally Posted by WidowMaker555
Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
the french are history's cowards, they have gotten rocked and/or have been on the brink of total destruction had it not been for us or uk assistence, yet they continue to stick thier noses in the air, even when we pick up thier battle. all the stinky shit is true
black people are stupid, impulsive and hate all white people. they like sould food (chicken, corn on the cob, watermelon, cornbread, mashed potatoes, chitterlings, etc)
jews are stingy and stuck up, they are self-servient and have no regard for the arabs, they drink the blood of christian babies for holidays and have small horns on thier heads. they also control the media and have a big behind-the-curtains influence in the government
asians have bred like rats, they are mindless, babbling short machines with little to no personality. most look the same, they cant pronounce western words that have letters like l or v in them
i dont go with these at all but thats my understanding of some of these stereotypes
did some1 help u with this?
yea, Hitler.
happy: happy: