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Default 11-07-2004, 01:47 PM

Well, you asked for it, so here goes.

French - Not the biggest on hygiene, and terrible record at battle
Irish - They like their brew and potatoes
Italian - you'd have to break the country in two,.
North Italy - Light skinned people and light eyes. Most likely originated from Austria.
South Italians - Dark complexion and this group carries the "Guido/wop" stigma
Aussies - Have that crazy accent we love so much
Polish - big people who are the brunt of most cerebral jokes
Americans - Hillbilly red necks
Blacks - lazy by nature, probably getting even for the slavery days
Mexicans - Hard workers who treat their women like a piece of shit
Russians - Can't be trusted. Everything is a secret to them
Arabs - Either an oil tycoon or a camel riding terrorist

The world is my urinal
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