11-07-2004, 02:53 PM
columbians - grow all of their weed and coffee
arabs - camel jockey terrorists that have strong family ties
italians - WOP, greasy,
brazilians - women have the nicest asses in the world
mexicans - "Dirty mexican", work for any amount of money, have 99999 children
Canadians - wannabe americans
americans - fat slobs, arrogant
irish - beer/potatoes
british - bad teeth and big with tradition
russians - commies...'nuff said
japanese - "japs", small very sociable people that like their technology
chinese - see *russians
blacks - the white man oppresses them every second, they like their watermelon and cool-aide. They are dumb as a brick
Whites - oppress the blacks in every single action taken, love girls with "little or no asses", try to be smart
asians - small dicks, smell like fried oil, every asians knows ninja skills
puerto ricans - they want to have all the benefits of an american but don't want to pay for anything, happy they have passed the blacks on the Minority list in America