08-08-2002, 01:44 PM
Sorry to rain on the parade, I don't like Saddam, but I don't think the US can really justify invading Iraq. The logic of "he may have or may be devoloping weapon of mass destruction" just doesn't fly. Should we invade China first, they are a bigger threat than Iraq. Mabye we should invade Russia, to make sure all their nukes and biological weopons are destroyed. Just because Cheney and Pappa Bush have a personal vendetta, is no reason to start a war. The reasoning I'm hearing from Washington, says to me, someone ought to invade the US and replace Cheney/Bush because they have access to nukes and bio weopons. I strongly suggest that people step back and think it through. War is wrong, and killing innocent people because you want to prove you have a bigger dick than someone else is stupid.
I know that you all think I'm wrong, but somebody has to speak out against this kind of thing, I am an American, I and I am proud of what Amerca stands for, I don't want to see America become a state that uses its military to "remove" whomever, they don't happen to like at the time, from power.