11-14-2004, 12:19 PM
Kramer: "What d'you got there?"
Jimmy: "These?"
Kramer: "Yeah"
Jimmy: "These are Jimmy's training shoes."
George: "Yeah,yeah yeah yeah! I've seen these.....they sorta ..they make
your legs..stronger."
Jimmy: "Oh yeah! Jimmy couldn't jump at all before he got these. Jimmy was like you (looks at George)
Kramer: "They're Plyometric."
George: "Plyometric?"
Kramer: "Yeah! They isolate the muscles. The muscle has to grow....or die."
George: (to Jimmy) Wh...Where d'you get'em?"
Jimmy: "Jimmy sells'em."
George: "You sell them?"
Jimmy: "Oh yeah! But Jimmy's all out right now. Moving to Manhattan set
Jimmy back a bit."
George: "Hey listen ,let me give you my card. It's got my home number on it.
I want to buy the first pair when the next shipment comes in."
Jimmy: "All right"
George: "All right Jimmy Good talking to ya."
Jimmy: "Jimmy'll see you around."