Thread: PRANKS!
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Hybrid is Offline
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Default 11-17-2004, 09:33 PM

Found this on another site.

here are a couple of good get backs for you guys 1 destructive one not

1. the chicken bomb
take a quart jar and stuffit with bone in skin on chicken breast, then fill it to the brim with heavy whipping cream and seal it up, put it some where warm and where it wont be found, after about 3 days to a week (dpending on temp) the rot will build up enough pressure to break the jar ther resulting stench can not be taken out of anything , we trided this one in a junk car and after it went we stripped the interior, and the heap still stunk then we sand blasted the steel and finally ground on it and the car still stunk, so it is a safe guess you cannot reverse this one.

2. go to your local hunting shop and buy some doe estrus (used as a lure for bucks) this stuff is rotten and buy some cyote or wolf urine, then pour the bottles down the air vent ( the air intake in front of the windshield that leads to thier heater box) for their car, then the next time they turn the heat on you can imagine the smell.
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