Am I getting the run around? -
11-18-2004, 05:08 PM
I have an HP Pavilion ZX5000 notebook.
The first one worked great for two weeks, than the main fan (of three) came on constantly. Before that, it was NEVER on, except during games, after which it would immediately shut off. This sucks for school, because its irritating.
I brought it back to Best Buy and got a whole new one.
Couple weeks later (probably more than two this time) it did the SAME THING, except with a different fan! I purposely did NOTHING except UPDATE (it was already installed) Norton AV and install 2 games. I also used a mouse with it, just a basic logitech one, using Windows XP's native drivers.
I called HP and got actually got a tech after confusing the rep. He gave me some BS about Windows loading the registry and hard drive caching and other crap. I asked him why it did it in the BIOS and stuff, and he just kept on going in circles. I finally gave up and hung up. mad:
So, is it SUPPOSED to do this? Or are they messing with me?
I have a Best Buy extended warranty on the thing. If they cant fix it after 3 times, they give me a new one. I'll damn sure be getting a different model if it comes to that. I'm currently reformating with just Windows XP installed and we'll see what happens. If it fixes it, the tech guy is right and I will live with it. If it DOESNT fix it (I doubt it will), I'll take it to Best Buy, because Mr Tech basically said service wont be able to "fix" it.
I purposely didnt install drivers or software on teh second time around. I also did not move the laptop except from a desk to a table. It didnt go with me to school or anything, so I know it didnt get banged around.
It does this on battery or A/C.