11-19-2004, 08:27 AM
Finished it. Id guess-tamate playing time at somewhere around 10 -12 hours. If i had not gotten stuck once for upwards of 30 minutes it naturally would have been less. However it was a bug that i was unable to repeat.
Over all i would say... Fuck. Why? Because simply put put this game has "fuuuuuuck" moments. Those times you stop and look around or wrap up a fire fight and say "fuck". Fuck that its time to move on and leave that nice firefight, or section. But also Fuck because frankly the game as a whole is beyond the description of really any words. Sure there are parts that get boring, but as you keep going it just gets better and better.
I've heard complaints about the buggy sections, which i found to be ok. I myself voiced complaints about the airboat missions that wouldnt end. Ravensholm seems to be a sore spot with most, probably because of the enemies that occupy it. I for one think that the first few missions seemed a little long, and dissconected from one another. This was not the case in the later levels and the story started coming through a bit better.
Over all rating: Holy fuck