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Bean 2 is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,993
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: New York
Default 11-19-2004, 09:33 AM

I enjoyed the boat mission. Maybe its cause i didnt complete it all at once so it didnt feel as long to me. The game overall is probably the best single player FPS experience ive ever had. I really did feel like i was in a sci-fi movie. No cut-scenes and no transitions, just pure unadulterated action. I enjoyed every minute of playing this game. This is what an FPS should be and it set a new standard for games in my mind. The last mission was not that hard. I was a little disappointed in the end not because of the way they ended, just because it wasnt that hard and i thought theyd introduce like a new machine youd have to beat and plus the game ended which was diappointing. Great game and i recommend it to anyone.
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