Originally Posted by Milla
Im amazed, usually when a game comes out alls i hear is "all the hype for this?!" "This game fucking sucks"
But to hear ppl like gerv and buttocks be liek "OMFG I LOVE IT!" is a good thing, i love this game also, its so damn addicting, now we need some DoD.
Its so unusual for a game to deliver on the hype, last game i think that almost accomplished it was allied assault, but even then i think most of us were bummed out at how omaha ended so it was a good game but that detracted from it a bit. Pacific assault is a good game, but you compare the level of physics interaction in it and halflife 2 is still a hell of a lot more interesting to play. Just so many things you can do to kill enemies in hl2, i think the sp alone could be played through numerous times before getting bored of it.
As for the multiplayer, theres rumored to be a halflife deathmatch in the works for hl2. Don't really know how that would work though, if people are expeting the same level of physics interaction as in sp theyre gonna be dissapointed, i don;t think thats do'able.