Thread: PRANKS!
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Default 11-21-2004, 08:58 AM


Ahhh, my friend's and I pulled some good stunts off. To the one girl, we distracted her and I took her gym clothes out to the hallway. There I put CRISCO all over the inside of her gym shorts. Ha, she told me afterwards she put them on and it got all over her legs and felt cold.

As for the other girl, we didn't really do anything destructive to her. I used her locker combo and got into her books. Do you know the porn adds in the back o f HUSTLER's magazines or something that have "Call XXXXXX for wild phone sex" and they'll have a little stupid picture of a couple fucking? Well, we took about 30 pictures and randomly placed them in her stuff. We made sure we put one in every text book in random spots. Ha, then we took a huge page and put it in her clarinet case. She told me later that she let a freshmen girl borrow it and was stunned at what she saw! ha!

Today i woke up and saw my car messed with. It is covered with ketchup, mustard, and popcorn. I'll just go outside quick and hose it down. That was a very stupid prank I'll tell you that.

Later, i have a few ideas to do to them. For instance, we're going to one of their homes at night and going to put vasaline on their windshield whipers so when they turn them on, it'll just smear all over the windshield. The other girl doesn't lock her house door at night (so I hear), so a bunch of my friends and I are going to throw about 20 fart bombs in the front door and yell "Fire in the HOLE!"

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