11-22-2004, 07:00 AM
I have now tried to install both MOH and SH to different directories and from two different sets of MOH CD's and still encounter the same error when reading the file data2 on MOH CD1 - Cyclic redundancy error/check
Does anyone know what this is ?
Its not my PC
Its not my installation method
Its not the CD set
Could it be my DVD R/RW drive not reading a certain ring of the CD or something ?
Ive even transferred the CDs to my HD got the files that wouldnt install or cpoy to the HD over MSN overight (599meg!!!) (ie data2 and some other ones) - put them all together and tried to install from the HD. Same thing.... problems with the install. Also had problems when SH tried to access Spearhead_Code file in the eReg folder upon my attempted SH install... the file in question would open seperately at first when i double clicked it and ran the serial input proggy but after two attempts wont run again... and the CD wont run it on install so it just says (file cannot be found - spearhead_code (MFC APP IN eRrg folder))
Everthing apart from MOH seems to work ! ? ! ?